“Everything is created from moment to moment, always new. Like fireworks, this universe is a celebration & you are the spectator contemplating the eternal Fourth of July of your absolute splendor.” — Francis Lucille

Friday, July 20, 2012

We are all lucky!

Last night - actually, early this morning- I spent hours at We Are Lucky, one of the coolest and most inspiring sites I've seen.  The creator decided that instead of spending a fortune on a space flight, he would give £1000 each to strangers with only the instruction to spend it on something good ("good" being their own definition.)  I couldn't read any of the stories without a smile and some tears.  

I'm amazed and energized by the generous compassion of each Lucky person.  Seriously life changing things happened. Go check it out yourself because I don't want to spoil any surprises and because it really is worth your time to be overflowing with inspiration!

I cannot make any financial donations right now, but I pray daily for opportunities for service to share my time, or simply a hug or smile.  I believe that money is not meant for material gain, rather it is a medium for helping others.  

Paying It Forward is everywhere!  Some related stories are the World Domination Summit, and Lissa Rankin's experience with the $100 she received there.  Doug Eaton gave away money for his birthday.   Inspired by The Birthday Project, thousands of people have done random acts of kindness on their birthdays and touched countless lives.  Now I'm definitely planning on dedicating my birthday to others!  

I love the quote
Remember, there is nothing "random" about kindness.  

We are all lucky to be ourselves, each with our own talents and the ability to help others.  As Lucky recipient Matt said, "... if helping others wasn't beneficial to us as a species, there would be no reason for it to feel good."

"When you feel helpless, help someone."
- Aung San Suu Kyi

If you need a little boost to your day or need some hope, seek for positive energy - you WILL find it!  I needed some positive people to influence my life so I asked the Universe to help me find them.  I have met some absolutely fabulous people since asking, I would not be where I am today if I had kept my narrow pessimistic view of my community. 

A huge hug to everyone and Good Luck!


  1. Dear Mel,

    Thank you for posting this today, for I really enjoyed it!

    1. Lon,
      it was my pleasure! ^_^ Have a great weekend!
