“Everything is created from moment to moment, always new. Like fireworks, this universe is a celebration & you are the spectator contemplating the eternal Fourth of July of your absolute splendor.” — Francis Lucille

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Learning To Surf

"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf." ~ Jon Kabat-Zinn

This dynamic photo of Carissa Moore (thanks, National Geographic) brightened my day ^_^  Outside my window, it's a gloomy 15*F with snow forecasted all week.  I already have cabin fever!  Yay, I guess that just means more blogging lol!

Carissa is one of National Geographic's Adventurers of the Year.  A champion at age 19, she will be the first woman in the modern era to compete in the men’s Triple Crown of Surfing in November.

I hope you all have a warm day full of love and joy!



  1. I've always wanted to go surfing, for it sounds like it would give one a great high, but at my age, I feel it best not to try. And I certainly know my wife wouldn't permit me in doing so. I sure do like watching other people surf though!

  2. Now, I've always wanted to try surfing, too, but I can't swim! So I would be very happy to sit on a nice beach and just watch ^_^

  3. Go Carissa Moore! That's great she's competing against other men - I would be too intimidated! Very impressive though. That would be a sight to see surfers and those high waves!
