“Everything is created from moment to moment, always new. Like fireworks, this universe is a celebration & you are the spectator contemplating the eternal Fourth of July of your absolute splendor.” — Francis Lucille

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I just love this!  You can view it larger and buy the poster here.

I have a 3-day weekend coming up, so I am going to make my own manifesto on a sheet of poster board. It's something I've needed and wanted to do for a while. And now I have all of you to hold me accountable to actually finish it lol. If you would like to make one of your own, here are some more ideas and inspiration.
Go live your life!



  1. I too . . . absolutely "love this!" Thank you so much for sharing this with me today!

    May you and yours have much peace and happiness?

  2. I really like this idea! You'll have to share how and what you used to make this!

  3. Hello, It is wonderful!
    You may think I am a nut (true LOL) but everything like this, I place on my toilet wall. My mother did this and so I now copy, as does my sister..We feel our visitors and ourselves get a joy out of reading while we are sitting...How often I go into that room and come out calmer.. My self esteem used to be very low. In those times a bible verse I posted in there was read and read.."I CAN do all things, through Christ who strengthens me."
    Blessings and love sent from Australia. Crystal Mary

  4. Crystal Mary, that's actually a great idea, thanks for sharing! ^_^
